Thursday, November 6, 2008

Were You Aware...?

If you are not familiar with the issue of Net Neutrality, I urge you to read up on it because it is a fairly important concern that we face in today's information-hungry society.

I bring this up now simply because I was reminded of it. I am a member of Free Press, a "national, nonpartisan organization working to reform the media." Their goal is to fight for consumer rights with regards to the media, including Net Neutrality and independent news sources.

Members are only as involved as they want to be. Personally, I have not yet donated any money or attended any events, but I do send emails to the FCC and to my Congressmen about the importance of free and independent media. This is really the only "movement" in which I am involved, which should be an indicator of how strongly I feel about it.

So there you go. I just thought I would share, and I hope some others will join me on this.

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