Saturday, November 29, 2008

It Was A Ghouls' Night Out

Talk about being thankful, I finally had a chance to go to a Misfits concert last night! Actually, that's a little misleading because I had an opportunity right after I graduated college, but that would have required a stupidly long drive to a crappy town (Flint, MI). Anyway, I'm not going to say all that much about it other than it was really great. The four opening acts ranged from not good at all to mostly okay. Meh, I wasn't there to see any of them. The main event was a blast, and I got to meet Jerry Only after the show. He was a super nice guy.

I took a few pictures, but they all pretty much suck. I found this one on the Webz, though, that is from the same tour.

Now, the only band left that I need to see before I die is Primus. You hear that, Claypool? Get a freakin' tour going!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

As If I Needed Another Reason to Love Alyssa Milano

I was already aware of this somewhere in the recesses of my mind bank, but the latest NFL Shop catalog reminded me that Alyssa Milano has a new line of NFL clothing-slash-accessories. It turns out that she has already been at the whole designing thing with Major League Baseball and the NBA. Now, I know I won't ever be wearing any of those clothes, but I think it's really cool that she's such a sports fan.

Also, she's pretty.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Just about a year ago, I stopped getting my hair cut. It wasn't that I necessarily wanted long hair; I just got annoyed with having to go to MasterCuts, or wherever, every couple of months. It is long enough now that I now accidentally eat it from time to time. I won't even be doing anything, and then suddenly, "oh, hey, there's hair in my mouth." I think that's a pretty fair trade. I imagine I'll keep it growing until I get tired of it, and then I'll just shave it all off.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Were You Aware...?

If you are not familiar with the issue of Net Neutrality, I urge you to read up on it because it is a fairly important concern that we face in today's information-hungry society.

I bring this up now simply because I was reminded of it. I am a member of Free Press, a "national, nonpartisan organization working to reform the media." Their goal is to fight for consumer rights with regards to the media, including Net Neutrality and independent news sources.

Members are only as involved as they want to be. Personally, I have not yet donated any money or attended any events, but I do send emails to the FCC and to my Congressmen about the importance of free and independent media. This is really the only "movement" in which I am involved, which should be an indicator of how strongly I feel about it.

So there you go. I just thought I would share, and I hope some others will join me on this.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

A Little Advice

Now that we finally have a new President, I would like to share a quote from (a fictional version of) a friend of mine. No matter who you voted for or what you think of the outcome, please remember these words.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

No Confidence + No Write-Ins = No Vote

I was in the voting booth no more than an hour ago, making my picks, filling in my arrows. The space for President was still left to do. I stood there for a couple minutes, just staring at my choices, until I finally thought, "You know what? No, thank you." I simply couldn't vote for either of the candidates, and since Oklahoma ballots do not allow a space for write-ins, I left it blank. I was seriously thinking about voting for Ralph Nader, not because I agree with him on many issues, but because I strongly feel that our two-party system is a sham and he is the leading third party/independent candidate. Oh, well, can't do that.

I feel pretty good with my decision. I mean, I did write a big, long defense of refusing to vote, so I would expect to be at peace with this. I just hope whoever comes out of the election on top is good for our country. Lord knows we need a good run.

Monday, November 3, 2008

I'm Sorry; I Just Had To

This may be a really lame way to start my journal blog, but I find the latest Penny Arcade strip to be quite the experience in hilarity.

Okay, that was really lame. I don't care; vomit is too funny to me.